My Poll is not working Correctly…

Where are the videos I added to the answers damn it!



I dont give a shit:

(I suggest you pick yes… It’s my favorite)

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Take my poll!


Should I continue blogging?? hmmm? Should I?

Viewer Discretion is Advised


So now, seeing as my classmates will be reading and commenting on my blog more,

I’d just like to give you all a heads up… My blog is not exactly PG.

If you are easily offended and do not like bad words or other things of that nature:


…I certainly hope you don’t though!

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Tudors titties

Showtime Series: The Tudors

So I am still finding my groove in the world of blogging, forgive me if my posts jump around a bit. Rather than blog about movies on the particular occasion I am going to blog about the Showtime series:

The Tudors

Starring the handsome Jonathan Rhys Meyers and all those other people that aren’t nearly as gorgeous in comparison.

This series shows the life of King Henry VIII and his tyrannical rule over England in the early 1500’s. (Is tyrannical even a word? …Just googled it, we’re good.) What I have gotten from this show is this:

  • Henry VIII liked getting his way.
  • Titties.
  • The King couldn’t get a son from his first (but far from last) wife, Kathrine of Aragon.
  • Sex.
  • King Henry cries a lot.
  • More titties.
  • “I have a son!”
  • That chick Anne Boleyn played his mind like a fiddle.
  • Little bit of man butt.
  • Son dies.
  • People die of the “sweating sickness”.
  • “I’m the King of England!” (must be said in an english accent to get true effect)
  • Major changes in the religious aspect of the world.
  • Oh look! More titties.
  • The King refrains from having sex while waiting to marry that chick Anne. So they show his friends and other characters doing the deed.
  • Pope wont give the King his annulment to Kathrine.
  • Henry throws a fit.
  • And titties, yet again!
  • A guy kills himself.
  • More tears from the King.
  • King Henry VIII finally gets some action from that chick Anne.
  • Titties.

And so ends Season 1 of The Tudors. (Applause)

Wouldn’t be Showtime without some titties.

But in all seriousness, this show is very addicting. The way that this series goes about portraying King Henry VIII’s reign entices you in a way that you will find yourself researching all about it, wanting to learn more. (And also becoming fairly dissapointed in seeing that the real King Henry looked absolutely nothing like Jonathan Rhys Meyers.)

I definitely recommend this show! It is a must see if you can handle all the titties!

(Oh and I’d like to give a big THANK YOU to Target for putting the first two seasons on sale for $14.99 and leaving the third at full price.)

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There’s an app for that…


No shit! I can blog on the go?
Now all I need is a tv in my steering wheel and I’m an accident waiting to happen!


On a different note…

Any movie suggestions for this week??

if your looking for a laugh…

This clip goes with last weeks post. I just figured out how to correctly add video clips!

“I can’t put my arms down!”

So I am feeling at a loss for words today.

But this is the all-time best Christmas movie ever.

A Christmas Story.

I chose this film today because I just saw it on broadway at the Fisher Theatre this afternoon. It was fantastic! I’m bummed that today was the last day it will be in Detroit, because I would definitely go see it again.

The clip above is my favorite part of the movie! Hope you enjoy!

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