“Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where’s the Tylenol?”

Clark Griswold

Chevy Chase as Clark Griswold

This weeks movie choice, (drum roll please) is non-other then:

National Lampoon’s

Christmas Vacation

Starring the hilarious Chevy Chase as Clark Griswold, the “last true family man”. This movie follows Clark and his family on their quest for a “Griswold Faaaamily Christmas”.

Sadly, despite Clark’s greatest efforts there is one problem after the next.

  • Their tree is to big.
  • Their family argues.
  • Clark gets locked up in the attic which then leads to him falling through the ceiling and later being dropped out of the attic door dressed as a woman.
  • Twenty-five thousand imported Italian twinkle lights aren’t twinkling.
  • Cousin Eddie surprises the family with a week long visit, parking his rusting home in the driveway.
  • Cousin Eddie subsequently empties his septic tank into the sewers.

“Merry Christmas! Shitters full!”

  • Aunt Bethany wraps her cat as a gift that later becomes a fried kitty, ruining in the process.
  • The turkey is dry.
  • The dog throw up after emptying the garbage cans all over the kitchen floor.
  • Uncle Lewis lights the tree on fire.
  • Clark’s new tree (from his front yard) has a squirrel that ends up chasing them around the house.
  • Clark recieve’s a membership to the “Jam of the month club” rather than his typical raise.

“It’s the gift that just keeps giving Clark.”

  • Eddie kidnaps his boss.
  • The cops raid the Griswold Family Christmas, smashing through every window in the house.

But through it all, Christmas is saved when Clark’s boss decides to give him his 20% more of his bonus of the year before. The movie ends with the family on the front lawn watching a plastic Santa soar across the sky while singing the Star Spangled Banner.

This movie is hilarious and one of my favorite Christmas movies. It’s a great movie to get into the holiday spirit.

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4 thoughts on ““Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where’s the Tylenol?”

  1. amberreneb says:

    I absolutely love love this movie and have to watch it a few times around Christmas time! my favorite quote?
    “Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, kiss my ass. Kiss his ass. Kiss your ass. Happy Hanukkah.” Such a good movie! and Hilarious

  2. Corbin Kench says:

    I also absolutely love this movie too and watch it with my family around Christmas time as we frost sugar cookies ( I know sounds a little childish but that started when I was around 14). Amber that part of the movie cracks me up when they say that! Courtney, is there any movies you have not seen yet? I did not think so. 😉

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