Oh Norman Bates You Silly Man…

Norman Bates

There are many “scary” movies from back in the day that are ooozing with cheese. I could have gone many ways with this one…Friday the 13th, Halloween, Nightmare On Elm Street (just to name a few). I chose to go with a classic:

Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho.

Psycho is an exceptionally great example of how the score of a movie is what seperates a horror film from being well… a woman dieing horribly in the shower while being swung at by a shadowy figure of a man in a wig. (That’s right Norman, I saw it was you a mile away.)

Now don’t take my sarcastic remarks the wrong way, Psycho was (and still is) a great film of its time. There is a reason why that old creep Hitchcock has such a following. He knew his shit. I am merely saying, without that score, that movie would not be what it is today! It is amazing. The “EEE EEE EEE” of Normans “mother” swinging a knife at whats her face to this day, still creeps me out. The scores build up to that scene itself truly makes it what it is. And it is carried out through out the entire movie. Everytime the music starts to get intense I catch myself thinking:

“Shits about to get real.”

And that is despite the fact that I have seen this movie so many times that I could practically recite it verbatim.

Hmmm… I am unsure I am getting my message out correctly. Alfred Hitchcock’s Pscyho is the bomb dig and it still scares the ba-geebers out of me every time, thanks to the score.

Catch muh drift?

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One thought on “Oh Norman Bates You Silly Man…

  1. Zeth says:

    My dad loves Hitchcock, The movie “The Birds” Scared the hell out of him when he was younger. That movie at the time scared allot of people feel lucky that we grew up with allot scarier movies than that. But its what they had back then so i understand. I also have seen psycho and rear window, both good movies thrillers for sure. Did you know that Hitchcock always put himself in his own movies kind of like what Stephen King does with his movies. He actually got that move from Hitchcock.

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