Tag Archives: comedy

“I can’t put my arms down!”

So I am feeling at a loss for words today.

But this is the all-time best Christmas movie ever.

A Christmas Story.

I chose this film today because I just saw it on broadway at the Fisher Theatre this afternoon. It was fantastic! I’m bummed that today was the last day it will be in Detroit, because I would definitely go see it again.

The clip above is my favorite part of the movie! Hope you enjoy!

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“Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where’s the Tylenol?”

Clark Griswold

Chevy Chase as Clark Griswold

This weeks movie choice, (drum roll please) is non-other then:

National Lampoon’s

Christmas Vacation

Starring the hilarious Chevy Chase as Clark Griswold, the “last true family man”. This movie follows Clark and his family on their quest for a “Griswold Faaaamily Christmas”.

Sadly, despite Clark’s greatest efforts there is one problem after the next.

  • Their tree is to big.
  • Their family argues.
  • Clark gets locked up in the attic which then leads to him falling through the ceiling and later being dropped out of the attic door dressed as a woman.
  • Twenty-five thousand imported Italian twinkle lights aren’t twinkling.
  • Cousin Eddie surprises the family with a week long visit, parking his rusting home in the driveway.
  • Cousin Eddie subsequently empties his septic tank into the sewers.

“Merry Christmas! Shitters full!”

  • Aunt Bethany wraps her cat as a gift that later becomes a fried kitty, ruining in the process.
  • The turkey is dry.
  • The dog throw up after emptying the garbage cans all over the kitchen floor.
  • Uncle Lewis lights the tree on fire.
  • Clark’s new tree (from his front yard) has a squirrel that ends up chasing them around the house.
  • Clark recieve’s a membership to the “Jam of the month club” rather than his typical raise.

“It’s the gift that just keeps giving Clark.”

  • Eddie kidnaps his boss.
  • The cops raid the Griswold Family Christmas, smashing through every window in the house.

But through it all, Christmas is saved when Clark’s boss decides to give him his 20% more of his bonus of the year before. The movie ends with the family on the front lawn watching a plastic Santa soar across the sky while singing the Star Spangled Banner.

This movie is hilarious and one of my favorite Christmas movies. It’s a great movie to get into the holiday spirit.

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“Every Halloween the trees are filled with underwear. Every spring, the toilets explode.”

John Belushi as Bluto

I was having a difficult time deciding which movie was worthy of my first blog post. But I decided to start off with a comedy classic…

                      National Lampoons Animal House

This movie, filmed in 1978, is the story of an underdog fraternity (Delta Tau Chi) and their adventures while under the “double secret probation”  that threatens their existence. This is one of those movies that with every time you watch, you will always laugh.

For example, I will always laugh when the Delta boys are pledging into the fraternity.

 president:I…state your name.

pledges: I…state your name

president:do hearby pledge allegence to the frat.

pledges: do hearby pledge allegence to the frat.

president: With liberty and fraternity for all

pledges: AMEN!

Or when Neidermeyer plays “lady and the tramp” with the carrot & the horse. (At least I’m pretty sure that is Neidermeyer… pretty hard name to forget.) I mean, what a subtle funny ass moment that is.

…I am trying to find memorable moments in the movie that are appropriate to talk about on a blog for school… I am drawing a blank. That is how funny this movie is.

Watch it.

…I am very dissapointed in my review of this movie. I will have to be funnier next time.

this is a total yawn.

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